Eye makeup tricks with Liquid Eyeliner

Liquid eyeliner that has many advantages over regular eyeliner. In addition to the line shape can produce a flatter, longer durability was due to a smaller brush and smooth lets you draw the line right eye. However, there are still many people who find it difficult to use liquid eyeliner. To produce the perfect eye makeup with a variety of styles, see the tips daro Eve Pearl, makeup artist Eve Pearl Cosmetics and founder of this.

A. Classic eye

To create this style of eye makeup, start to draw a line of liquid eyeliner from the middle of your lashes. Make the points from the center of the eye toward the outer corner of eye. "These points should be made tightly as possible so that it looks like the line," said Pearl. When creating the line, the position of your hands must remain stable so that the line does not slip and damage the display. By making these points, you do not need to keep your hands in the same position for some time and the results are more flat.
2. Cat eye

Begin by drawing a thin line starting from the middle to upper lashes out eyes. Pull the line curved upwards at the end corner of the eye. Repeat drawing a line just above the first pattern. Then fill the gap between the two rows with a rather bold colors.
3. Smokey eyes

Pull the line began in the middle of the lashes. Use the tip of a sharp liner to draw a thin line to the inner corner of eye with a little pressure on the liner. Then, use the tip of a rather thick liner (the little bit in the middle) to make a thick line from the center to the outer corner of eye. While at the bottom of the eye, use the pointed end portion to provide a thin line and sexy impression.

1. Classic eye 
Untuk membuat gaya riasan mata ini, mulailah menarik gariseyeliner cair dari bagian tengah bulu mata Anda. Buatlah titik-titik  dari tengah mata menuju ke sudut luar mata. "Titik-titik ini harus dibuat serapat mungkin sehingga terlihat seperti garis," ungkap Pearl. Ketika membuat garis, posisi tangan Anda harus tetap stabil agar garis tidak meleset dan merusak tampilan. Dengan membuat titik-titik ini, Anda tak perlu menjaga tangan Anda dalam posisi yang sama untuk beberapa lama dan hasilnya lebih rata.
2. Cat eye
Mulailah dengan menarik garis tipis mulai dari tengah bulu mata ke bagian atas luar mata. Tarik garis lengkung ke atas di akhir sudut mata. Ulangi menggambar garis ini tepat di atas pola awalnya. Kemudian penuhi celah di antara kedua barisnya dengan warna yang agak tebal.
3. Smokey eyes

Tarik garis mulai di bagian tengah bulu mata. Gunakan ujung liner yang runcing untuk menarik garis tipis ke sudut mata bagian dalam dengan sedikit tekanan pada liner. Kemudian, gunakan ujung liner yang agak tebal (bagian agak sedikit di tengah) untuk membuat garis tebal dari tengah ke sudut luar mata. Sedangkan di bagian bawah mata, gunakan bagian ujung yang runcing untuk memberi garis yang tipis dan kesan seksi.

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