How To Stick to My New Year’s Resolutions? | yohana

Girl string on finger
I always stray from my NYE resolutions by week two. Do you have any tips for making my promises last this year?
Whether you vowed to get healthier, happier or simply shake up your style, it's time to pony up on all your promises. Here's how to be a woman of your word in 2012.
Keep it real. You know what sorts of goals are realistic for you. Just because it's 2012, that doesn't mean you've suddenly morphed into Wonder Woman. Take stock of where you are, and don't be afraid to adjust your resolution to make it seem more doable. If it's too ambitious from the get go, you'll never even start. It's better to take a tiny step in the right direction instead of none at all!
Get others in on the plan. There is power in numbers, young grasshopper. If you can get your friends or your office mates in on your resolution, the group support will help encourage you to achieve your goals. Not to mention, a watchful eye will also keep you from straying. You can make excuses to yourself when you sneak that extra piece of cake, but it's a whole lot harder to get away with it when you have to deal with the raised eyebrow from your roommate.
Track your progress. Keep a calendar and mark off each day that you manage to keep your resolution. When you can visually see how far you've come, you'll be encouraged to keep going.
Reward yourself. This has to be our favorite strategy of them all. Set goals on your aforementioned calendar and treat yourself to little presents when you achieve them. Start small with something like an extra long bubble bath and work your way up to that killer pair of shoes you've been lusting over. After all, you deserve it!

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